Showing Support Saturdays

I have been shown so much support by family, friends, therapists, co-workers, and supervisors, not just in life and work, but also in my photography and writing, my healing, and my hobbies. Saturdays are usually the days my husband and I spend some alone time together. He supports me in exploring the outdoors as well as various establishments that I’ve found on Instagram or Google.

A Farmer’s Market on the road to Ocean City, MD
from Baltimore airport.

The support I’ve been shown and my love of adventure motivates me to find and support others. If we’re planning a trip out of town, I search for places to eat along the way. When we need a particular item or service in the house, we scout out small businesses that might be able to provide us with what we need. Every time we’ve moved, I’ve scoped out the city/town on various search engines and social media sites, months before we ever knew what our exact address would be.

My birthday cake bought by my husband at one
of our favorite bakeries.

As I think about birthday celebrations and gifts for various holidays, I cast a wide net with Instagram hashtag searches, recommendations from neighbors, and inspect google maps to find those unique experiences and gifts. Even when I simply need honey for our morning routine cup of tea, I will look for a local farm or farmer’s market. Supporting those who do business well, give back to their community, and treat their employees and customers with kindness and respect is very important to us.

Cup of my favorite tea with local honey.

I enjoy watching people succeed especially when they do so after others thought and even told them they wouldn’t. I love bringing more customer attention to the businesses we shop at and appreciate. I hope for Showing Support Saturdays we can band together and share these extraordinary people far and wide to continue helping them succeed in their business ventures. Tune in next Saturday for the first business in the spotlight!

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