Glen Rose, Texas

Glen Rose, Texas

The wild beauty of Glen Rose, Texas and the equally fascinating childhood memories it sparks are certainly deserving of recognition on my Wanderlust Worthy Wednesday collection, albeit there are plenty of sorrowful recollections as well. Glen Rose is well known to the surrounding locals for its fun swimming holes, a river running through each side of town, and of course the dinosaur park. There are also a few places I have heard of, but never visited.

Paluxy River at Dinosaur Valley State Park

I’ll get the difficult stuff out of the way first, so I can move on to the gorgeous, enjoyable locations I love to visit while in town. Granny C and my developmentally disabled aunt passed away while at the only hospital there. My oldest uncle passed away at his home of many years in Glen Rose as well. Now that you can understand why there’s some sorrow connected to the town, we can get to the fun stuff!

Big Rocks

There are several swimming holes around Glen Rose, but my absolute favorite when I was a child was Big Rocks. Arriving at Big Rocks, you can immediately see how it got it’s name. I remember playing in the water of this part of the Paluxy River as a little girl until I was forced out by Mom when my hands and feet became so waterlogged they were in danger of being gashed open by the rocks. During ’80s people would drive their vehicles across the riverbed to find the perfect spot to set up their picnics, grills, and chairs. Now there’s a designated parking lot, but you can still climb around, exploring the views from the top of the rocks. I believe there’s a walking trail along the south side of the water now too.

Dinosaur Valley

The Brazos and Paluxy Rivers can be rather dangerous during and after a rain, because the water can begin rising and moving with great force rapidly. Please, always use caution. They are both beautiful rivers with various depths making it great for wading, swimming, and tubing for all ages. They both have rocky riverbeds and the bottom can be seen in the more shallow parts of both bodies of water. They were definitely the perfect backdrops for portraits too! There’s not much I miss about Texas, but one of them is the food and the other are those brilliant rivers.

Portraits (Faces Blurred for Privacy)

Another place I enjoyed is Dinosaur Valley State Park on a different neck of the Paluxy River. When the water is shallow enough, you can see the large dinosaur foot prints on the riverbed. There are signs in the park, directing you to their locations. There are parts of the river with water rushing over the rocks with enough strength to push along as though you’re on a water slide! Careful not to hit yourself on the rocks along the side if you can help it. You can also camp in the park, they have camping lots for tents and RVs alike. There are also restrooms with shower stalls in the camping area. There are plenty of hiking trails as well. Don’t forget to stop by the gift shop to grab some souvenirs and take a photo next to the T-Rex and the Brontosaurus!

T-Rex and Brontosaurus

What a nostalgic journey I’ve been on this evening reminiscing about times spent with my family in such wonderful places. Thank you for joining me on this Wanderlust Wednesday! Share your memories of Glen Rose with me below or maybe mention something I missed!

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